Dance Dance Mochi Revolution???

I’m not sure exactly how this works? does anyone know? can you just load any song into Dance Dance and Rock out to it? Or did they hack this? Anyways, that’s a pretty good score for a 220bpm beat. 😉

Go to Colortronic and see that Boulder knows how to PET iT UP! Photos and Video from the show. Thanks to Julianna and Phil for Bringing out the Mochi.

Who says girls don’t love Breakcore, and other Nerdy Things?

Mochipet Roadtrip

I just found this video and I am hillarified. who says mochipet is not fun for roadtrips?

Thanks Colorado Coffee Tektonic Madness!

mochipet mashes your face from johnElectric on Vimeo.

MOCHIPET MAKES YOU DANCE1 from johnElectric on Vimeo.

Hot Dogs and Bacon Loves Kid Koala!